Less than 10 Minutes
We know you are busy and that filling out forms is not that exciting. That said, in less than 10min you can fill out all optional forms (PIT, EQ, PQ) and let us know your grades / personal characteristics. With this information, the spotivity Genie will be able to work for you!
Your Personal Utility
Spotivity is not a game, nor is it yet another time wasting social media app. Our aim is to be the most useful app on your phone – while making engagement fun, thoughtful, and easy.
Not Clickbait
The polls we ask you to fill out are not mind-numbing rabbit holes of misleading information – but rather are scientifically-informed researched-backed questions whose sole goal is to help you as much as possible, regardless of your gender, background, or personal attributes.
Informative NOT Prescriptive
The recommendations spotivity gives you is not to be considered prescriptive in nature – but rather an intelligent range of thoughtful options for you to consider as you plan your next steps. Decisions are all up to you – helping you make them is what we do.
Based on Science
There is a difference between Pop Science and Actual Science. Spotivity is rooted in Science. In partnership with Utah State University we make all decisions based on thoughtful review of known information. The process is also ever evolving thanks to Machine Learning so over time the recommendations will only get better.
Specific to YOU
No one person is the same and we don’t feel spotivity should provide a one-size-fits-all solution. This is why we use a number of different polls to gain insight into what might be the best fits for you. With seemingly unlimited known and unknown options out there – use spotivity to limit uncertainty and maximize your time.