For parents who are worried about their teenagers, there’s good news. There are effective teenage mentoring programs that can help your child either in-person or online in tremendous ways. A mentoring program may be able to help a child who is finding it difficult to cope with classes and/or friends. This is especially important for children who have struggles with self-esteem or behavior patterns. Let’s find out how to set up a mentoring agreement so it benefits your child.

A fixed schedule

Just like scheduled after school activities for teenagers, mentoring programs also need to be scheduled so that it becomes a routine in the child’s life. It helps to speak to the mentor and fix a daily or weekly time slot so that both parties will keep time aside for this purpose. When there’s a fixed time, it removes all ambiguity from the equation, and this reduces scheduling conflicts on a weekly basis. It also helps with structuring the teen and giving them stability that’ll help them participate in each mentor-mentee meeting.

Discuss the details

For any mentoring program to work for your teen, there needs to be clear and detailed communication between parents, the child and the mentor. Communication is very important in identifying expectations and meeting them. The tendency would be to hide critical details especially when it pertains to any negative behavior your teen may display. However, this is problematic as the mentor needs to have a full overview of what to expect in order to frame a plan of action. You also need to be willing to hear from the mentor their feedback, even if it is negative, on your teen so that you can advise as needed. Teenage mentoring programs will work most effectively when everyone is open and transparent about the details.

Photo by IIONA VIRGIN on Unsplas

Plan a Few Things

Experts who handle teenage mentoring programs will already have a strategy in mind, but it helps if the teen can bring an agenda or a list of issues that he or she wants to discuss or cover. The mentor would love to hear the teen’s perspective, and this is a great opportunity for both of them to connect with each other. For the first few meetings, having a fixed agenda may help build rapport and break the ice between both parties.

Set goals

Whether it’s after school activities for teenagers or a one-on-one mentoring program, there needs to be a clear goal established right at the beginning. When the teen participates in goal setting, it helps them to know there are certain expectations. They will be motivated to work towards those goals and can also be rewarded when they accomplish them.

Be Encouraging

As a parent, your responsibility doesn’t end with finding a good teenage mentoring program. You need to work with your child and the mentor. Only a team-effort can bring out the best results. During the program, your child should be encouraged and motivated to participate and take an active role in his or her improvement. Parents should also keep an open mind when it comes to conflict resolution and avoid taking sides. Remember the goal for your child and decisions regarding conflicts should be centered around that goal.

Periodic review

While plans are great, when it comes to mentoring, be ready to review and rewrite plans based on progress. Have regular meetings with the mentor to check whether the plan is progressing well or if there is need for adjustment in any areas. Each child is different so a customized plan may need to be re-customized to make it work. Furthermore, as the teen goes through different situations and milestones, needs may change accordingly. A good program will take this into account and make necessary changes at the right time.

When opting for mentoring or after school activities for teenagers, ensure that the child is a willing and happy participant in the process. This will set the stage for success rather than a struggle.

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