High school is a time for students to really start exploring their interests and passions. After-school activities are a great way for students to do this while also getting some extra academic or social support.
Below are 22 after-school activities that almost any teen will actually enjoy.
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1. Online learning platforms like Khan Academy or Coursera offer free, engaging courses on almost any topic imaginable.
2. Local coding clubs and meetups provide a fun and social environment to learn how to code and build websites or apps.
3. Robotics clubs are another great way for students to get hands-on experience with technology and engineering. FIRST Robotics is a great organization to start at.
4. Debate classes are both online and in-person, and help students improve their public speaking and argumentation skills.
5. Running Club is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air while also meeting new people.
6. Chess Club might seem boring to some students, but it actually requires a lot of critical thinking and strategic planning.
7. High School students might want to consider mentoring younger students as a way to give back and build their own self-confidence.
8. Online Gaming for students can be a fun way to relieve stress and socialize with friends while also sharpening their problem-solving skills.
9. Volunteering at an animal shelter is a great activity for animal lovers. Super relaxing.
10. Youth group is a more faith-based after-school activity that many enjoy. And it’s typically every week!
11. Music production is a great activity for budding DJs or music producers. Many online platforms like Splice offer free trials to get started.
12. Gardening works like purposeful meditation – plus, it will give students sun-provided vitamin D (improving mental fog) as well as fresh air! All good things!
13. Quiz teams are great activities for students who love trivia and competition.
14. Baking is a delicious way to spend an afternoon or weekend. Plus, it’s a life skill!
15. Martial arts is a great activity for students looking to get active, learn self-defense, and discipline.
16. Knitting or crocheting is an old-fashioned but calming hobby that can produce beautiful results.
17. Journaling is a great way for students to process their thoughts and feelings. When they are older, they’ll love going back through their thoughts.
18. Starting a business is a way for students to get real-world experience and learn about entrepreneurship.
19. Designing clothes is a creative outlet most students could use – especially if they like to express themselves in clothing.
20. 3D printing is a new and exciting technology that students can use to create anything they can imagine.
21. Photography is a great way for students to express themselves and use digital technology.
22. Learning an instrument is a skill that will last a lifetime and provide immense joy.
The Must-Have Tool for Students & School Counselors
Students can use spotivity’s revolutionary mobile app to find local and online activities that are personalized to them.
With our Pocket Genie, students will answer questions to personalize their development journey.
With the spotivity platform, counselors and school admins can track all in-school and after-school activities, pull reports for each student, and safely compare metrics against their peers.
Now schools can gain access to the data they require to make better decisions, and students can be introduced to activities that they will actually enjoy.
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